Well, you could make the background of the image transparent and then
create a mask fro the pygame surface. This one can be checked for


On Fri, Oct 7, 2011 at 11:44 PM, Alec Bennett <wrybr...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I'm using an image with transparency as a Sprite. The image has an irregular
> shape:
> http://sinkingsensation.com/stuff/shape.png
> I'd like to detect collisions with it.
> My current strategy is to draw a polygon (pygame.draw.polygon) behind the
> image. That works, but its difficult to make the polygon accurately reflect
> the image, and I need to make a lot of them.
> So I'm wondering if there's some way to detect collisions with the image
> itself?
> Or maybe there's some clever way to draw a polygon based on an image?
> I don't need pixel-by-pixel accuracy, anything close would work.

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