He did already :)

> ORIGLIBDIRS="/lib:/lib/`uname -i`-linux-gnu:/lib64:/X11R6/lib" \
>     python setup.py build

the first line puts the lib location for your system into the 
ORIGLIBDIRS environment variable. Then when you run setup.py in the 
second line, setup.py knows to automatically search the locations listed 


On Tue, Feb 14, 2012 at 08:51:30AM -0800, AntCox wrote:
> Hi Chris,
> Thanks a lot for your response. I think I understand what you're
> saying, that the png (or jpeg in your case) libs were installed
> somewhere the setup script is not looking for them. However I am not
> sure how to determine if this is my problem, and then how to fix it.
> Are you able to give me and pointers on that front?
> Ant
> On Feb 14, 5:28 pm, Christopher Arndt <ch...@chrisarndt.de> wrote:
> > On 14.02.2012 17:05, AntCox wrote:
> >
> > > I am trying to build pygame and during the dependency check it is only
> > > missing PNG and JPEG support [...]
> > > SDL_image is installed with both png and jpg support libpng and libjpg
> > > and respective -dev libraries are also installed. [...]
> > > I am running this on ubuntu 11.04
> >
> > I had the same pronlem a few weeks ago. Search the mailing list for the
> > thread titled "Compiling pygame on Ubuntu 11.10 oneiric JPGE [sic!] not
> > found"
> >
> > Here's my solution form the last post in the thread:
> >
> > "For the record: here's a command line to compile pygame from a pristine
> > hg checkout that works on Linux systems, which use this new scheme to
> > install libraries:
> >
> > ORIGLIBDIRS="/lib:/lib/`uname -i`-linux-gnu:/lib64:/X11R6/lib" \
> >     python setup.py build
> >
> > "
> >
> > Chris

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