Ian this is an extremely helpful answer. It will save me much pain. I have
sent you a personal email thanks as well.


From: owner-pygame-us...@seul.org [mailto:owner-pygame-us...@seul.org] On
Behalf Of Ian Mallett
Sent: Saturday, March 03, 2012 11:52 PM
To: pygame-users@seul.org
Subject: Re: [pygame] Mixing Colorkey and Surface alpha


On Wed, Feb 29, 2012 at 12:23 PM, Lin Parkh wrote:

I have two surfaces. The source surface that I am blitting has a "surface
alpha" set to give me semi transparency.  The destination surface has a
transparent colorkey.  What I would like to have happen is that source
surface makes semi transparent any pixels on the destination surface that
are not transparent but otherwise ignores the colorkey pixels.  Is this

As far as I am aware, and the way you're asking, no.  If you think about it,
the destination surface is has binary transparency values (i.e., completely
opaque or completely transparent).  What sort of data would you expect to
store to get a semi-transparent colorkeyed surface?


My recommendation is to just use per-pixel alpha for just about everything.
You can pretty easily convert a colorkeyed surface into one.  At a guess, I
would appreciate if the designers made .convert_alpha() do this--but if they
didn't, the conversion would be pretty simple: loop through all pixels in
the old surface, set the new surface's corresponding pixel's transparency to
be either 0 or 255 based on what the RGB color is.  If you do this, then the
blending operation you described above suddenly becomes trivial.



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