Hello list
I am writing a dungeoneering game in Pygame. I have already written the main 
part of the game, where all the action happens, but now I need to add an 
interface for equipping and levelling your character, choosing which dungeon to 
explore, etc.
I think this means I need a GUI toolkit, with all the standard features like 
lists, choosers, scrollbars, radio buttons, and the ability to combine these 
items into arbitrary layouts. It should be flexible, easy to use and look nice.
There are several toolkits available, I need to choose what toolkit to use and 
I would appreciate any suggestions from the list. (I should say I have written 
to the list before to ask the same question, but (a) I now have a clearer idea 
of what i want and (b) I suspect at least one of the available toolkits has 
developed a great deal since I asked last.)
Options I have already identified are:
SGC (http://program.sambull.org/sgc/)
OcempGUI (http://www.pygame.org/projects/9/125/)
PGU (http://code.google.com/p/pgu/)
Albow (http://www.cosc.canterbury.ac.nz/greg.ewing/python/Albow/)
DavesGUI (http://www.burtonsys.com/python32/DavesGUI.zip)
It may be relevant that I am using Pygame Subset for Android (pgs4a, 
http://pygame.renpy.org/). I would hope that any toolkit that worked for 
'normal pygame' would work just as well on pgs4a, but I may be over-optimistic.
Best regards

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