In order to make the game more presentable to the user, I have this idea on 
putting all the resources on a *.tar* file (and further compiling 
everything in a single *.exe*)
Using then the tar library that comes with python, I extract the file and 
then pass as arguments on the methods that loads the resources, such as 
images, fonts and etc.

Doing this for images worked just fine (didn't tried for sounds yet), but I 
got the following error when I tried to do this for a font file:

*Fatal Python error: (pygame parachute) Segmentation Fault*
*This application has requested the Runtime to terminate it in an unusual 
*Please contact the application's support team for more information. *

This is the code that don't work:

*tar ="data.dat")*
*self.realtimeInfo = font.Font(tar.extractfile("bankgthl.ttf"), 16)*
But this work well:

*tar ="data.dat")*
*extractedImage = tar.extractfile("background.png")*
*self.background = pg.image.load(extractedImage)*

I think that I may have passed the arguments wrong, but also not sure how 
it work to make it right. The library was imported, as I said, the image 
function work
Anyone has tried this before?

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