
 I've read the documentation but am still hazy. If have defined a surface
with specific flags (in particular pygame.HWSURFACE) should a subsurface of
that surface inherit the flags (i.e. is also a hardware accelerated
surface(i.e. in video card memory) or do I need to do an explicit 'convert'
with the flags called again? My impression when I call 'get_flags' on the
subsurface is that it is NOT getting the parent flags... but wanted to
confirm this is expected and therefore I have to do an explicit convert. 


p.s. my overall context is I have loaded a texture atlas from file. I have
given hardware acceleration flag (HWSURFACE) I now want sprite imagery
derived from the atlas (subsurface seem the simplest and most efficient way
to achieve this) but I want it to retain the same flags (e.g. HWSURFACE).



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