thats all great and thank you - I do have another 2 linux laptops.

what Im working with now is a windows 7 laptop.

On Fri, Oct 4, 2013 at 11:42 AM, Peter Shinners <> wrote:

> If you are on a Linux platform that allows you to "apt-get install
> python-pygame" or "yum install pygame" or "pacman -S python2-pygame" then
> that will be easiest. You may get an older build of Pygame.
> You won't be able to use Python installers, like "pip install pygame"
> because it is pointed at even older versions that it cannot download.
> You mention you grabbed the zip file with the source. Start with that and
> run a "python install", which will configure, compile, and install
> pygame for you. You'll need to make sure you have the Pygame dependencies
> installed, which is all the SDL-dev libraries, along with a few others.
> On 10/04/2013 08:37 AM, David wrote:
>> How exactly do you install pygame?  I find nothing out there.
>> I'm guessing - put the unzipped files in the python folder?
>> copy the files
>> in the Include to the python33/include
>> and
>> in the lib to the python33\lib
>> that is, add them to the others in those folders?
>> ??
>> --
>> David
>> Running Linux since 1994

Running Linux since 1994

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