Hm, well I just tried this (ish):

Install MacPorts ( )
sudo port install py32-game
import pygame

And I get
Symbol not found: _PyCObject_AsVoidPtr

OK, so let's try a virtualenv

sudo port uninstall py32-game
sudo port install py32-virtualenv
virtualenv-3.2 --system-site-packages pg3
source pg3/bin/activate
cd pg3
which pip
pip install pygame

Downloading/unpacking pygame
  You are installing a potentially insecure and unverifiable file.
Future versions of pip will default to disallowing insecure files.
  HTTP error 400 while getting (from
  Could not install requirement pygame because of error HTTP Error
400: Bad Request
Cleaning up...
Could not install requirement pygame because of HTTP error HTTP Error
400: Bad Request for URL (from
Storing complete log in ~/.pip/pip.log

I guess that part of the site isn't back yet... Is the above saying
that the pygame site should have an SSL certificate to work smoothly
with pip (or that the files should be hosted somewhere with an SSL


On 3 October 2013 01:34, Aikiman <> wrote:
> Thanks for that. I guess Ill have to wait a bit longer for an OSX port. Good
> to see some action is taking place on this one.
> --
> View this message in context: 
> Sent from the pygame-users mailing list archive at

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