95% Linux (Slackware)
2.5% Windows 7 (testing)
2.5% Windows XP (compilation and testing)

On Fri, Dec 6, 2013 at 10:05 PM, Ðáíáãéþôçò ÔóéìðÝñçò

> 60% Windows 7
> 40% Ubuntu 12.04
>   On Friday, December 6, 2013 6:44 PM, Richard Pouncy <
> reverendric...@gmail.com> wrote:
>   I am new however,
> 70% Debian Linux
> 30% Raspberry Pi Debian
> On 12/5/13 8:43 PM, Jason Marshall wrote:
>  pygamers, which computer operating system(s) have you used this year? If
> you have been using more than 1 operating system, approximately what
> percentage of your time are you using each one?
>  Here's my breakdown:
> 0.5%    Linux Mint
>  0.5%    Mac OS X 10.4
>  2%    Windows ME
>  4%    Windows XP
> 5%    Mac OS X 10.6
> 88%    Windows 7

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