On Mon, Apr 7, 2014 at 8:10 PM, Tony Cappellini <cappy2...@gmail.com> wrote:

> >>I know there are hold outs for Emacs and Vim...(Im a Vim usermyself)
> You really should differentiate between an Editor-IDE (Vim, Emacs, etc),
> and a real IDE which allows breakpoints, stepping through code, modifying
> variables in memory, attaching to running processes.

Yes, I am aware of both, the editors seem lightweight, fast, clean....but
lack some of the helpful points you list for an IDE.

I have googled the hell out of this so I know there is much out there
written on it.

I wanted to see what the people in *this* group used themselves; editors or
and although it may be a different answer, what they see being used

Running Linux since 1994

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