>>> I can't tell if they mean Eclipse/Pydev has a steep learning curve 
because of the installation/setup or the everyday use?

>From experience (on Windows) Eclipse/PyDev has been really nice to work with. 
a)The installation steps are detailed enough online, nothing too quirky.
b)Usage is reasonably straightforward and debugging features are rich (I like
the configurable keyboard shortcuts so I use the mouse as little as possible).
I like the autocompletion of the pygame module for example
c)Plugin updates the eclipse way are simple (have been updating it regularly
for the past 5 years or so) and PyDev is being actively developped and
That's what I used for that project among others :

I did not use the svn integration because I like Tortoise SVN on the side but
it did seem like it would work well.

That said I do not know how it compares to PyCharm for example.
There is a comparison of many Python IDEs on wikipedia :


>>Which IDE do you like
>>I know there are hold outs for Emacs and Vim...(Im a Vim usermyself) 
You really should differentiate between an Editor-IDE (Vim, Emacs, etc), and a
real IDE which allows breakpoints, stepping through code, modifying variables
in memory, attaching to running processes.

On Mon, Apr 7, 2014 at 5:02 PM, David <<dvp1...@gmail.com>> wrote:
This must have been asked before....

Which IDE do you like?

I'd want Free and Cross-Platform (Win/Linux).
A debugger would be very handy.
Would be beneficial if it is widely used and that it will be around a good
long time.

I can't tell if they mean Eclipse/Pydev has a steep learning curve because of
the installation/setup or the everyday use?

If not that, then Spider and PyScripter looked like possible candidates...

I know there are hold outs for Emacs and Vim...(Im a Vim usermyself) 
but I'm asking whihc IDEs do you use and like (and if you dont use one,
perhaps you know of one that many people generally use and like)


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