On Ubuntu 14.04, I installed it with the following

sudo apt-get install mercurial "libsdl.*1.2-dev" build-essential
sudo apt-get build-dep python-pygame
sudo apt-get install python3-all-dev libswscale-dev libfreetype6-dev
pyvenv-3.4 --without-pip pygameve
cd pygameve
source bin/activate
wget https://raw.github.com/pypa/pip/master/contrib/get-pip.py
python get-pip.py
pip install hg+https://bitbucket.org/pygame/pygame

I can't see how it would be made much easier until the changes
required for 3.4 hit the stable release (supposing they've all been
made: I did no testing). Then it can go to PyPI, as I understand it.
Building wheels would be helpful if that's not already happening, I


On 12 February 2014 03:38, Paul Vincent Craven <p...@cravenfamily.com> wrote:
> What will it take to get Pygame to be easily installed via pip now that it
> is the default package manager with Python starting in 3.4?
> Paul Vincent Craven

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