Dear Friends and Colleagues,

Most of you already know about Hybrid Play, our project that transforms
playground games into video game controllers.

After so many workshops and exhibitions of the project in art centers,
festivals, and schools around the world, we have decided to go a step
further and transform it into a commercially distributed game platform.

During the past few months, we have developed a new version of Hybrid Play,
easy to use for kids, much more fun, and easy to manufacture. We have also
created new video games and have connected Hybrid Play with a Virtual
Programming Language so kids can design their own playground video games.

We now have a really nice prototype, and are happy to tell you that we have
just launched a crowdfunding campaign on Indiegogo to make our dream a
reality. You can check out the campaign at this link.

We hope you will like and collaborate with us in this adventure by funding
the campaign, spreading the word, or sharing with your friends.

Also, we would love to have your feedback, so if you have a minute send us
a line, and let’s keep in touch.

Thanks a lot!
Best from Spain,
Clara and Diego

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