I tried this and it seems to work.

- OS Mavericks (10.9.5)
- MacBook Pro Retina
- pygame 1.9.1 via macports
- ran from terminal using: python2.7 x.py (where x.py is the file name I copied 
your code sample into)

For me the focus changed to the pygame window and when I pressed escape the 
program terminated (as expected).

The only difference I can see between your setup and mine is that I installed 
PG through macports and you used fink. Could that make a difference?

Maybe you could try installing pygame through the .dmg package and see if that 
makes a difference? Otherwise I’m not sure what to suggest…


On Dec 10, 2014, at 13:35, James Mazer <james.ma...@yale.edu> wrote:

> Is there a trick for getting pygame to take the keyboard focus under
> osx? I'm trying to port an app from linux and ran into something odd.
> This simple program:
> import pygame
> pygame.init()
> screen = pygame.display.set_mode((100,100))
> while 1:
>        pygame.event.pump()
>        if pygame.key.get_pressed()[pygame.K_ESCAPE]:
>                break
> doesn't work under osx (python 2.7 & pygame 1.9.1 via fink). The
> pygame window appears and changes color when clicked indicating it has
> the focus (and pygame.key.get_focused returns 1), but clicks in the
> pygame window are directed to the terminal where the program was run
> from (get_pressed() is always all zeros).
> Am I missing something obvious here? This works fine under linux. An
> hours or so of googling seems to indicate others have had this
> problem, but there's no obvious answer and nothing recent.
> thanks,
> /jamie
> -- 
> James Mazer
> Department of Neurobiology
> Yale School of Medicine
> phone: 203-737-5853
> fax: 203-785-5263
> url: http://jackknife.med.yale.edu

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