Yesterday, I pushed an updated to the BitBucket repository. It looks 
like the changes weren't merged how I expected because I see a "multiple heads" 
notice when I look at on BitBucket. I'll straighten out my mistake 
as soon as possible (probably tomorrow). 

More detail: 

I use Subversion at work without problems, but Mercurial confuses and 
frustrates me. I'm trying a new tool, PyCharm with its Mercurial integration. 
Using PyCharm, I committed to my local repo and then tried to push 
the change to BitBucket. I got an error that directed me to pull & merge first. 
I tried to figure out how to do that, but I failed. So then I tried the force 
push option, and that appeared to have worked, except that it appears to have 
caused this "multiple heads" problem in the BitBucket repo. 



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