Ugh, I gave bad info.

Here is the correct Microsoft thing. The vcredist link is a dead end.

Microsoft Visual C++ Compiler for Python 2.7

I know it says Python 2.7, but it worked for 3.2.


On 4/3/2015 8:23 AM, bw wrote:
This was a little painful, but much better than previous experiences. It seems to have worked so far. Hope this helps others. I'll make a recipe on when I get time later.

1. Install Python32.
2. If you have more than one Python installed, set your system Path to use Python32.
3. Install pip if necessary.
4. Install pygame 1.9.2 for Windows and Python32.
5. Install Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 SP 1 redistributable <>.
6. pip install numpy


On 4/3/2015 7:43 AM, bw wrote:
Hi, all,

I cannot find a compatible version combo for these three packages. At one time I had Python 3.2 installed w/o numpy. It was the best I could do, cause I'd been unsuccessful in hacking together a build environment for anything in Windows and the years have taught me to consider up front an unfruitful exercise in frustration. =)

Does anyone have a working environment in this combo, and would you be willing to share installation files?

Thanks in advance for your consideration.


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