Just trying to get started with pygame and stuck at square 1. All I want
to do is play sounds on a Raspberry Pi (Raspbian). No screen. Nothing
visual. So I do:

    import pygame, os, sys
    from pygame.locals import *

    os.environ["SDL_VIDEODRIVER"] = "dummy"

    sound = pygame.mixer.Sound("Exclamation.wav")
    sound.play(loops = 0)
    while pygame.mixer.music.get_busy() == True:

Having saved it in file try.py, I do

    python try.py

and get

    xcb_connection_has_error() returned true

Yes, I've done an apt-get update and upgrade. I can make sounds with
Sonic Pi but this produces nothing. Googling the error seemed to give no
relevant results. Can someone give me a hint please?

Regards - Philip

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