Charles and Ian,

Thanks very much for yr help. Indeed, I would have googled on the
problem before putting it here, but it never occurred to me that I
would get hits for so specific a question. I'm glad to be part of a
community where lots of help is available for beginners. Hopefully
I'll soon be able to be a giver here as well as a taker.



Faced with the possibility of its extinction, every species finds
within itself powers unimaginable in the days of its complacency.

On 6/16/15, Charles Cossé <> wrote:
> On Tue, Jun 16, 2015 at 2:19 PM, tom arnall <> wrote:
>> Greetings fellow pygame-istas,
>> I'm having a problem working through an example in the tutorial:
>> Help! How Do I Move An Image?
>> At:
>> in the section headed:
>> Going From The List To The Screen
>> there is this example:
>> >>> background = [terrain1, terrain1, terrain2, terrain2,
>> terrain2, terrain1]
>> >>> screen = creategraphicsscreen()
>> >>> for I in range(6):
>> ... screen.blitbackgroundi], (i*10, 0))
>> >>> playerpos = 3
>> >>> screen.blitplayerimage, (playerpos*10, 0))
>> In the line:
>> >>> screen = creategraphicsscreen()
>> I can find no def for:
>> creategraphicsscreen()
>> Predictably the line gets:
>> Traceback (most recent call last):
>> File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
>> NameError: name 'creategraphicsscreen' is not defined
>> I've studied the foregoing sections for a clue, but can find none.
>> Thanks in advance for any help you can give me,
>> Tom Arnall

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