Hi Bob,

There are a lot of ways to do it..

In the past, I've used something like this for teaching basic movement:

   - Store time since previous frame
   - Poll for events
      - Update held keys
   - If movement key held,
      - set movement/direction flag for player sprite
   - Update sprite ai based on time since previous frame
      - if movement/direction flag on
         - generate a rect for the proposed new location
         - see if the new location only includes non-blocked tiles
         (background collision)
            - If it doesn't, this is our sprite's new rect
            - If it does, either
               - do nothing (very basic) or
               - move to the edge of the original position

This should work fine for objects that won't move fast enough to cover more
than a tile per frame..

Is that what you were looking for?  Or something even more abstracted like..

while True:
    tts = fpcClock.tick( FPS )

    held_keys = update_keys()


    update_sprites( tts, held_keys )



Thank you,

On Tue, Oct 6, 2015 at 4:12 PM, Bob Irving <bob...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi folks,
> We're introducing Python for 9th grade this year and moving from Blitz
> Basic for game programming. Just wondering if anyone has come up with a way
> to hide the complexity for keyboard movement..... it's one of those things
> that makes sense to more advanced programmers but not to beginners. We've
> experimented with making a few functions to detect collisions, mouse
> clicks....
> TIA,
> Bob Irving
> Porter-Gaud School
> Charleston, SC
> --
> Twitter: @birv2
> www.bob-irving.com
> http://www.scoop.it/t/on-the-digital-frontier

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