
as per docs/howto_release_pygame.txt we are declaring a new release coming

I've already asked on the open pull requests some days ago, but if there's
anything that *needs* to go in, there's a few days left before we declare a
feature freeze.

I guess that there's not much that will block a release at this point.
However it's been a looooong time between releases, so I don't think it
hurts to wait a few more days. If you have something that might take
longer, please get in touch and we can discuss it.

If I don't hear anything in a few more days we will do a release candidate,
and try to get more widespread testing. If there are any blocking issues,
then will might do another N release candidates. I expect this to take two

To discuss anything related to the release please use this issue:

If you already want to help test, please try out:
    pip install pygame

best regards,

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