I'm on-board with redoing the website like this document lays out. I can
contribute some hours. Not lots of hours, but some.

I think one of the popular static content generators would be great. First
glance, Nikola seems ok. If Daniel is able to get it started, that would be
great. I think it would be nice if we could smoothly integrate the API doc
build with the static part of the new website. Or Jekyll. I don't know
these systems well enough to have an opinion, but I like the idea of making
the site in simple markdown format, and allow people who want to contribute
to do so with GitHub.

My programarcadegames.com website has a ton of examples I'd be happy to
de-brand and make available. If there's any interest in that, I could help
with the example part of the website?

As a wild stab, what about hooking a Reddit feed for the recent games? Use
reddit admin tools on reddit, and then pull in the feed and format nice for
the website? I feel like for help, the Reddit forums might be more useful
than specialized website forums.

Paul Vincent Craven

On Thu, Dec 15, 2016 at 2:29 PM, Daniel Foerster <pydsig...@gmail.com>

> A Python competitor with Jekyll that I've used and might be found useful
> is Nikola (https://getnikola.com/). It accepts things like markdown,
> ReST, HTML, and plaintext as input and has support for a number of
> templating engines, including Jinja. If we were to go that route, I have
> access to a pretty clean template that we could use.
> On Dec 15, 2016 14:24, "Thomas Kluyver" <tak...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I know several people on this mailing list have proposed overhauling the
>> Pygame website in the past. Now's your chance!
>> The current Pygame website contains outdated information, relies on a
>> (not so) secret sign up link for people who want to submit games, and as we
>> can't currently contact René, we don't have access to change it. Peter
>> Shinners, who registered the pygame.org domain, is on board with
>> building a new site and making it pygame.org.
>> The first steps are assembling a team of people who're interested in
>> working on the website, and working out what technologies we'll use for the
>> new site. I think the best way to tackle it is as two separate components:
>> the static information and the game feed. I've copied in more details about
>> what I think we need at the bottom of this email.
>> If you're interested in helping to build this, or you have ideas about
>> how best to do it, please reply to this email!
>> Thanks,
>> Thomas
>> -----
>> Details:
>> General info:
>>    -
>>    Designs, mockups and prototypes are welcome, but please don’t spend a
>>    lot of time building anything yet; we might go for another option.
>>    -
>>    Assembling a team to build and maintain the site is an important part
>>    of this. An average architecture with several people happy to maintain it
>>    is better than a genius architecture with one quarrelsome maintainer.
>>    -
>>    I’d like to preserve the informal, playful feel of the old green &
>>    yellow site, so bright colours and cartoonish graphics are acceptable (but
>>    not required, if you want to go a different way).
>> Part 1: Information
>>    -
>>    Information about the project, how to install it, links to
>>    documentation & support forums, etc. Including content from the wiki on 
>> the
>>    old site. (Craven: Based on analytics for a different site, I recommend
>>    putting the following on the home page, in this order, quick links: 
>> Example
>>    code, installation instructions, API docs, projects that use Pygame.)
>>    -
>>    This part should be served as static HTML: solid free hosting is
>>    available for static sites, and we don’t want to worry about the security
>>    of a dynamic web application.
>>    -
>>    The HTML should be generated from content and templates stored in
>>    public version control, to allow easy collaboration.
>>    -
>>    Tools: there are many static site generators. Jekyll has a head start
>>    as it’s built into Github pages, but we’d consider other options. We’d 
>> like
>>    building and deploying the site to be automated, and it should be easy for
>>    contributors to build the site locally to check their changes. We have a
>>    slight preference for Python-based tools because contributors are likely 
>> to
>>    already have Python.
>> Part 2: Game feed
>>    -
>>    An up-to-date list of recent games, with screenshots and links. Game
>>    developers should be able to add their own games to the feed.
>>    -
>>    It must not be possible for user-submitted content to hijack the site
>>    (e.g. by injecting script tags)
>>    -
>>    We need to keep spam minimal, without making too much work for either
>>    developers submitting their games, or the site maintainers. E.g. we might
>>    use CAPTCHAs and nofollow links.
>>    -
>>    If the game feed breaks, the information site should still be
>>    available.
>>    -
>>    One obvious way to do this is with a small web app and a database to
>>    hold the content. That’s possible, but it would need hosting and
>>    maintenance. Are there other ways? What external services could we use? 
>> Get
>>    creative!

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