
I think you're missing the issue here. Almost all of the content would be
put in GitHub (Thomas even suggests that everything go there). Using
ibiblio.org/archive.org doesn't help us any as far as the game showcase
goes, which is the main matter of debate; you're still trying to find a
good user-friendly way to submit content without opening the door wide open
for abuse.

On Thu, Dec 22, 2016 at 3:02 PM, Miriam English <m...@miriam-english.org>

> I don't see the point of using github for the web pages and keeping the
> content elsewhere. I don't have a lot of experience using github (I find it
> a pain actually). Github is intended as a versioning system. That has no
> utility for a pygame repository, as far as I can see -- or at least no
> advantage over an ordinary repository built purely with that purpose in
> mind.
> Wouldn't it be simpler to keep the whole thing in a repository? I
> mentioned 2 earlier: archive.org and ibiblio.org, both of which are free
> and very secure.
> Cheers,
>     - Miriam
> Thomas Kluyver wrote:
>> Thanks everyone for your input. In the interests of making progress, I'd
>> like to propose:
>> - The informational site will be hosted on Github pages; I've used this
>> for a number of websites before, it's reliable, we can point an external
>> domain to it, and I imagine that most of the likely contributors have
>> Github accounts already.
>> - The pages will be generated by a Python static site generator. There
>> doesn't seem to be a strong feeling between Sphinx/Nikola/Pelican, so it
>> will likely depend on who is most excited to start building it.
>> - The game feed will also be generated from content in Github, so /at
>> first/ developers will need to submit a PR to add a game. Once that's
>> working, we can build a simpler submission interface on
>> Heroku/Appengine/similar which can push content to Github. Ideally the data
>> will be in a format which would could move elsewhere later if necessary.
>> I like the concept of drawing the game feed from an external source, but
>> I don't think any of the sources proposed match what we want closely enough.
>> Does anybody object to any of those proposals?
>> Thanks,
>> Thomas
>> On 18 December 2016 at 20:18, Miriam English <m...@miriam-english.org
>> <mailto:m...@miriam-english.org>> wrote:
>>     http://ibiblio.org is an enormous, free repository that also lets
>>     you have static webpages. Many of the Linux distros are hosted
>>     from there as well as much else too. I don't know how you'd set up
>>     a comments system there. It may be possible.
>>     http://archive.org is another gigantic free repository. They
>>     already have a comments system built into their pages. I don't
>>     know how it works. It might be worth checking out.
>>     Both these organisations are free and are aimed at helping make
>>     content available to the community which might otherwise be lost.
>>     You have complete control over the look of webpages at ibiblio.org
>>     <http://ibiblio.org> because you simply upload static pages.
>>     I don't know how much control over the look archive.org
>>     <http://archive.org> provides because everything is dynamically
>>     served from xml data, I think. It might be possible to add static
>>     content, I don't know.
>>     But both are free, permanently available, and have excellent security.
>>     Cheers,
>>         - Miriam
>>     Peter Shinners wrote:
>>         Gitlab also has great static site support for free, and you
>>         can use custom domains. They also make it easy to run most
>>         static generation tools as a CI job. Although part of me
>>         thinks just pushing the static content is easiest. It sounds
>>         to me like there's a list of acceptable hosting choices that
>>         won't cost anything.
>>         Keeping the games list as a feed from other service sounds
>>         like it has the best chance of working.
>>         On 12/17/2016 10:51 PM, Lenard Lindstrom wrote:
>>             Bitbucket also has static web site support. I set one up
>>             for the Pygame docs awhile ago, but have not maintained it:
>>             http://pygame.bitbucket.org/docs/pygame/
>>             <http://pygame.bitbucket.org/docs/pygame/>
>>             The repository is here:
>>             https://bitbucket.org/pygame/pygame.bitbucket.org
>>             <https://bitbucket.org/pygame/pygame.bitbucket.org>
>>             Lenard Lindstrom
>>             On 16-12-17 09:16 PM, Daniel Foerster wrote:
>>                 You know, I suppose we could just use GitHub pages.
>>                 On Dec 17, 2016 17:32, "Charles Cossé"
>>                 <cco...@gmail.com <mailto:cco...@gmail.com>
>>                 <mailto:cco...@gmail.com <mailto:cco...@gmail.com>>>
>>                 wrote:
>>                     On Sat, Dec 17, 2016 at 4:12 PM, Daniel Foerster
>>                 <pydsig...@gmail.com <mailto:pydsig...@gmail.com>
>>                 <mailto:pydsig...@gmail.com
>>                 <mailto:pydsig...@gmail.com>>> wrote:
>>                         Using S3/CloudFront is a lot cheaper than the
>>                 EC2 setup you're
>>                         imagining (and which a Django stack would
>>                 require).
>>                     I never said to use Amazon at all.  Just use the
>>                 current server,
>>                     whatever it is (unless it's Amazon).
>>                         On 12/17/2016 05:11 PM, Charles Cossé wrote:
>>                             Yikes!  who's gonna pay the Amazon bill?
>>                             On Sat, Dec 17, 2016 at 4:09 PM, Paul
>>                     Vincent Craven
>>                     <p...@cravenfamily.com
>>                     <mailto:p...@cravenfamily.com>
>>                     <mailto:p...@cravenfamily.com
>>                     <mailto:p...@cravenfamily.com>>> wrote:
>>                                 If most of the site is static, then I
>>                     think Django would
>>                                 be overkill. The static portion of the
>>                     site can easily be
>>                                 deployed via Amazon S3/CloudFront and
>>                     then we'd not have
>>                                 to maintain a server.
>>                                 Paul Vincent Craven
>>                                 On Sat, Dec 17, 2016 at 5:00 PM,
>>                     Charles Cossé
>>                     <cco...@gmail.com <mailto:cco...@gmail.com>
>>                     <mailto:cco...@gmail.com
>>                     <mailto:cco...@gmail.com>>> wrote:
>>                                     On Sat, Dec 17, 2016 at 3:26 PM,
>>                     Thomas Kluyver
>>                     <tak...@gmail.com <mailto:tak...@gmail.com>
>>                     <mailto:tak...@gmail.com
>>                     <mailto:tak...@gmail.com>>> wrote:
>>                                         So far, I think the proposals
>>                     for the static
>>                                         information part of the site
>>                     are Nikola (a static
>>                                         site generator oriented around
>>                     blogs) and Sphinx
>>                                         (oriented around docs). Both
>>                     are written in
>>                                         Python. Does anyone want to
>>                     make the case for any
>>                                         other system?
>>                                     Can Django factor-in there? I
>>                     guess it would reside
>>                                     underneathe the other pkgs ... but
>>                     might as well run
>>                                     Python through-and-through imho.
>>                             --
>>                             Linkedin
>>                     <https://www.linkedin.com/in/charles-cosse
>>                     <https://www.linkedin.com/in/charles-cosse>> |
>>                             E-Learning <http://www.asymptopia.org>
>>                     --
>>                     Linkedin
>>                 <https://www.linkedin.com/in/charles-cosse
>>                 <https://www.linkedin.com/in/charles-cosse>> | E-Learning
>>                 <http://www.asymptopia.org>
>>     --     There are two wolves and they're always fighting.
>>     One is darkness and despair. The other is light and hope.
>>     Which wolf wins?
>>     Whichever one you feed.
>>      -- Casey in Brad Bird's movie "Tomorrowland"
> --
> There are two wolves and they're always fighting.
> One is darkness and despair. The other is light and hope.
> Which wolf wins?
> Whichever one you feed.
>  -- Casey in Brad Bird's movie "Tomorrowland"

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