
tldr; promote using pypi and pip for game releases?

With all the great work from lots of people pygame is often easily
installable via pip - the standard python packaging system. We still have
some issues, but it works quite well on major platforms.

Now our games can be installed with pip too!

*pip install yourgame*

Since many people enter the python world via games, it makes sense that
they get used to publishing python packages as well. I've sat in python
groups, and still 75% of the room has never published a python package
despite many of them working with python every day.

As a game developer why should I use pip? Firstly, there is a very large
audience of people who can install python games. You don't need to worry
about the platform issues of binaries so much. If they have pip on their
platform, then they can install your game. Other benefits of publishing on
pypi include syndication, since many people tweet and copy all the releases
on pypi. Another benefit is all the infrastructure work that goes into
pypi, CDN networks and such.

I suggest efforts should be applied to:

   - updating tutorials, and spreading the idea of publishing python games
   to the cheeseshop (pyweek, pygame.org tutorials, external tutorials,
   books, youtube videos)
   - base code for a pygame game in a standard structure (skellington,
   cookiecutter etc)
   - contacting other python game communities to suggest pypi should be a
   - making the cheeseshop/pypi itself a better platform for game
   publishing needs

What pypi doesn't do currently? It doesn't do many things that a good game
release system would do. Video/youtube links, and even screenshots aren't
available. Discussion has been disabled (they found it way too hard to
moderate). Even ratings are not on there (which can help for
discover-ability). Another issue is that closed source things aren't really
looked apon nicely there(but it is allowed). Finally, packaging in python
still isn't the easiest thing (it's definitely not as easily as uploading a
zip file, but it is waaaaaay nicer now than ever before).

Any work that goes into making the packaging system for python better for
games helps out with other python game communities as well. We can perhaps
even gain allies from the other communities to help improve things for
games in general.

Here are where the pypi projects live.

   - https://github.com/pypa
   - (current pypi) - https://github.com/pypa/pypi-legacy
   - (next gen pypi) - https://github.com/pypa/warehouse

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