Hello Irv,

I wrote (and now maintain) a library called ThorPy (www.thorpy.org) that could 
fulfill your requirements.
On the website, I focused on the examples and turoials, so I hope it would be 
easier for a new person to use the library quickly. However, I have to admit 
that the library does not seem to be used by many people...

Here is an overview of some of the widgets: 
Examples : http://thorpy.org/examples.html
Tutorials : http://thorpy.org/tutorials.html


De : owner-pygame-us...@seul.org <owner-pygame-us...@seul.org> de la part de 
Irv Kalb <i...@furrypants.com>
Envoyé : dimanche 26 février 2017 05:21
À : pygame-users@seul.org
Objet : [pygame] PyGame user interface widgets

I teach Python programming at two different universities.  At one of my 
schools, there is enough time for students to do a final project.  I give them 
a background in event-driven programming, give them an overview in PyGame, and 
encourage them to build a small PyGame based project.

I have just petitioned for and gotten approval to teach a new course on Object 
Oriented Programing.  In that course, I will again use Python and focus on 
explaining OOP concepts using PyGame.  (I'm really looking forward to this.)

However, in order to make things easy for my students, I would like to supply 
them with a library (module) of easy to use user interface widgets.  For 
example, a simple button, text display box, text input box, checkbox, etc.  I 
started by giving out Al Sweigart's PygButton code to my students, and that 
worked great.  Then some students asked for a text display box, then a text 
input box.  I wound up building those myself.  Along the way, I wrote additions 
to Al's PygButton code (for example, adding a disabled state).

My question is: Is there any "standard" user interface widget library that many 
PyGame developers use?

I have done quite a bit of research on this topic, and have found a few 
libraries of widgets like what I'm looking for.  I've found:

- pgu
- pqGUI
- sgc
- Albow
- gooeypy

These all seem to attempt to solve the same problem (of creating a set of user 
interface widgets), but they all have different approaches.  Some seem to take 
over the basic event loop.  And most don't seem to be current - I haven't found 
any that have comments after around 2012.

So ... is there one on this list, or one that I haven't found, that seems 
current and is simple to use?  Or maybe, I'll just keep expanding my own.



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