Actually, that seems like a separate issue... But I've added Confirm
buttons when people try to log in with their accounts.

It should log in now for you?

Other people have confirmed ok... and I can't reproduce the issue. Maybe
it's the order that you did things... or the phase of the moon ;)
Oh... maybe you have two different emails? Are you logging in with the gmail
one or the other one?

On Fri, Mar 10, 2017 at 12:54 PM, Thomas Kluyver <> wrote:

> Thanks René! I take it this is now running from the code at
> ?
> I went through confirming my email address and resetting my password, but
> now I get 'account is disabled' when I try to log in. Is this part of the
> anti-spam measures? If this is what most new users will experience, can we
> make it clearer what's happening and what they need to do?
> Thomas
> On 10 March 2017 at 08:51, René Dudfield <> wrote:

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