I've worked on http://programarcadegames.com for about 7 years now. I've
led hundreds of students through the material, updated it, and improved it
every week. With the examples, translations,  and videos, I really think it
is the best quality educational resource for Pygame out there. I know I'm
biased, but I don't think any other resource has had more editing not had
more students go through it.

On Mar 18, 2017 5:20 AM, "René Dudfield" <ren...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello,
> Whilst there are now more than a dozen books, and video series in many
> languages for teaching pygame, I'd like to include a new section on the
> website for educational resources for teachers. Or even better, to be able
> to point to an existing resource.  Not particularly for 'pygame', but for
> digital education in general, or at least python related. I wonder if you
> have any thoughts on this? Maybe there could be some sort of collaboration
> here. Or you could give me some guidance on where to point people?
> Is there something existing where resources have some sort of quality
> control? If there's not something good existing, it would nice to find out
> what is required here.
> Is this the only thing on the raspberry pi side?
> https://www.raspberrypi.org/resources/teach/
> Are there any places which collect raspberry pi teaching resources in
> other languages (than English)?
> Is this the place for microbit? http://microbit.org/teach/
> Is there some place for python in general?
> Anything else I should link to?
> A teacher sent me a photo of a wall showing drawings the kids all made
> with pygame and printed the other day. He did it for a drawing class.
> Another did a class with 'sound boards', where the kids jumped around on
> the dance mats making 'music'. For me it would be interesting to send her a
> link with resources for teaching music. She also teaches Finnish, and is
> always interested in finding resources to do that in an interesting way. So
> if there's something I can link to people by topic, that would be awesome
> sauce?
> Next time someone shows me something like "community.computingatschool.o
> rg.uk/resources/4952", rather saying... "chuck it on the wiki!" perhaps
> there's a better more useful answer I can give them?
> Or is that the place to send them? (I'm not sure they'd be interested in
> Japanese/German/etc resources)
> best,

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