In Linux, I can right click on a folder, go to 'open with' and select

Doing the same and selecting the Jetbrains Toolbox app doesn't work for me
- I get a notification popup 'Failed to find application for URL...'.

On 6 February 2018 at 22:44, Greg Ewing <> wrote:

> Alex Nordlund wrote:
>> No, that's the toolbox, the toolbox app is free.
>> It's also confusingly named :-)
> But does it do anything on its own? According to the web
> page about it, it's just something for managing their
> other tools, which are not free.
> If I'm wrong about that, and it actually has functionality
> of its own, then it's not just confusingly named, but
> very badly advertised.
> --
> Greg

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