> As René pointed out in most of the Pymunk examples Y is converted so that
positive Y points up to keep examples consistent and close to "real"

Y points up in real physics?

This is making my head hurt; I need to go lie -Y. đŸ˜œ

On Wed, 28 Feb 2018, 22:52 Victor Blomqvist, <v...@viblo.se> wrote:

> Hi,
> René sent an email asking if I had any input (as the author of pymunk), so
> here I am. In general I think it seems like a very well versed vector
> library in the making :)
> A couple of comments:
> 1. A function that normalizes and returns the length before normalizing in
> one call can be useful and be a little bit faster than doing two calls. In
> the pymunk.vec2d class its called normalize_return_length.
> 2. A user asked me why a vector cant be scaled up again after it has been
> scaled down to 0 (which is not supported in the pymunk.vec2d class or
> pygame.math). It would be a very useful feature and also beginner friendly.
> However, I dont see a way to do it in a good way so I havent implemented
> anything.
> 3. As René pointed out in most of the Pymunk examples Y is converted so
> that positive Y points up to keep examples consistent and close to "real"
> physics. Would be nice if pygame could handle it easily, maybe something
> you could set in the beginning of you code? But Im not sure if it fits here
> :)
> 4. In many cases Pygame methods expect an integer, such as position in
> pygame.draw.circle(). Since Vector2 seems to be a float either some
> automatic rounding or a method Vector2.int_tuple or similar would be
> convenient?
> 5. You already do some benchmarking, did you try Pypy?
> /Victor
> On Tue, Feb 27, 2018 at 10:55 PM, Ian Mallett <i...@geometrian.com> wrote:
>> ​(Skims discussion)
>> For e.g. `abs(Vector2(2,-1).elementwise())`, my (C++) library instead
>> handles this as `abs(Vec2(2,-1))`, returning another `Vec2`. In C++, if you
>> weren't expecting that, you get a compile error on whatever happens next,
>> whereas in Python you'll get a `TypeError`, so it's well-defined.
>> If you want the vector's length, I use a function, but perhaps it's more
>> pythonic to use a method: `Vec2(2,-1).getLength()`, or
>> `Vec2(2,-1).getLengthSq()`.
>> If your vector represents a complex number and you're wondering why
>> `abs(...)` shouldn't return a complex modulus, then I ask why you aren't
>> using the built-in `complex`, which is designed for this.
>> Ian

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