I found a one line solution data = pygame.image.tostring(frame_cache ,
'RGB') does the job

2018-03-11 7:09 GMT+01:00 Peter Irbizon <peterirbi...@gmail.com>:

> Hi there,
> I have Code1 and at the end I want co continue with Code2 (both codes are
> included here). In Code2 I am doing data conversion with get_pixels(). I am
> trying take last_frame or frame_cache data in pygame code1 and then I want
> to do get_pixels() on it to get the same data format as in Code2 - or to
> use any function in pygame to get the same dataformat as from gtk
> get_pixels().
> Any idea please how to do it in my Code1 with pygame or how to combine
> both codes and use gtk get_pixels() function for conversion?
> Code 1:
>         #we will process only one frame at the time
>         msgs = self.cap.read()
>         msgl = len(msgs)
>         if msgl:
>             msg = msgs[msgl - 1]
>             cmd = msg[0]
>             if cmd == "data":
>                 data = cStringIO.StringIO(msg[1])
>                 last_frame = pygame.image.load(data)
>                 self.frame_update = True
>         for msg in self.adb.read():
>             cmd = msg[0]
>             if cmd == "end":
>                 self.exit()
>         self.menu_loop()
>         if self.frame_update:
>             self.frame_update = False
>             if last_frame is not None:
>                 if self.landscape:
>                     a = last_frame.subsurface(pygame.Rect((0,0),
> self.sizel))
>                 else:
>                     a = last_frame.subsurface(pygame.Rect((0,0),
> self.sizep))
>                 aw, ah = a.get_size()
>                 if aw != self.proj[2] or ah != self.proj[3]:
>                     frame_cache = pygame.transform.smoothscale(a,
> (self.proj[2], self.proj[3]))
>                 else:
>                     frame_cache = a.copy()
>             self.screen_update = True
>         if self.screen_update:
>             self.screen.fill((0, 0, 0))
>             self.screen_update = False
>             self.screen.blit(frame_cache, (self.proj[0], self.proj[1]))
>             if self.show_menu:
>                 self.screen.blit(self.img_menu, (0, 0))
>             if self.show_nav:
>                 self.screen.blit(self.img_nav, (self.size[0] - self.nav_w,
> 0))
>             pygame.display.update() #here i need to change it for gtk
> get_pixels
> Code 2:
>             img_width = 160
>             img_height = 120
>             data = gtk.gdk.Pixbuf(
>               gtk.gdk.COLORSPACE_RGB,
>               False,
>               8,
>               img_width,
>               img_height
>             )
>             data.get_from_drawable(
>               gtk.gdk.get_default_root_window(),
>               gtk.gdk.colormap_get_system(),
>               280, 228, 0, 0,
>               img_width,
>               img_height
>             )
>             data = data.scale_simple(width, height, gtk.gdk.INTERP_NEAREST)
>             data = data.get_pixels()

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