I ran a python and pygame python ray tracer
by Ian Mallett.

On PyPy - 18.6 seconds.
On Python 2.7 - 9 minutes, 28.1 seconds

30x faster :)

On Mon, Mar 19, 2018 at 4:25 PM, MrGumm <stabbingfin...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Pretty cool, sir. Thank you. :)
> On 3/19/2018 2:19 AM, René Dudfield wrote:
> Hi,
> TLDR; I'm at the pypy sprint, and working through the remaining
> pygame-on-pypy-cpyext issues.
> https://youtu.be/WN1slc5O8os
> Surprisingly to me... it's already usable. That is pygame (same one that
> runs on cpython), works on pypy through its C extension API. pypy has good
> support for the CPython API (through a recompile) now.
> There was an issue with events stopping keyboard/mouse/etc from working.
> Lots of details in this issue describing the changes needed, so I hope
> other extensions encountering this will find it useful.
> https://github.com/pygame/pygame/issues/419
> But now that's fixed, every pygame app I tried on it has worked.
> Why is this exciting?
> This is exciting to me because:
>    - pure python code being fast on pypy(after warmup), also mixed with
>    the fast bits in C/asm.
>    - cpyext is getting faster in pypy. There is already work and
>    discussion towards it being faster than CPython.
>    - maintaining one pygame code base is easier than maintaining several
>    (pygame cffi/ctypes/cython, ...).
>    - with one code base it should be fast on both pygame, and pypy(in
>    time).
> Here's our old pal solarwolf from early 2000s running on pypy.
> https://youtu.be/WN1slc5O8os
> Still lots of work to do (especially around PixelArray buffers and such).
> Then of course, there is the issue of binary wheels, so that  `*pip
> install pygame*`  works without needing to compile things from source.
> How is the speed? (when do we use this tool? Is it fast enough?)
> If your code is already quite well optimized, and not spending much time
> in python, you can't expect to see an improvement. However, if you are
> pushing boundaries in your python code, you can expect very good increases.
> Some examples where you can expect it to be faster:
>    - if profiling and a pygame function (like blit) isn't at the top of
>    the slow bits.
>    - collision detection (if you aren't using fancy algorithms).
>    - a pure python ray caster.
>    - writing a music synthesizer in python python.
> Where it can be slower.
>    - if you are going into C code for a lot of small operations. Like
>    when using rect.
> For me, I'm interested mostly in this for a physics art project which was
> really slow, and also for a software music synth written in pure python.
> Even more interesting is running pypy as a separate process for these
> tasks, and run the gui process with CPython.
> ciao,

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