(Oops. Somehow I didn't press send on this reply it seems.)


Don't think I was at the dojo for that one, but it does sound fun.
Well, I do remember one where we made a random maze generator.
Maybe that was part of it?
Also there was a pyweek when some ldndojo people tried to make a game
    Woger the Wibblly Wobbly Wombat.
8 years ago now!? wow

Yeah, ok... good idea about putting that in a blog post.
I'd be interested to read something on your experiences too :)

Yeah, the "Big Buck Bunny" film was one of the blender open projects.
Ton(another tall Dutch person) of Blender wrote some interesting essays
about it back in the day,
but I can't find them at the moment.
I did find this 'The making of Big Buck Bunny' thing on youtube which was
There are some parts about involvement of the community.

But they have done several more since then, so perhaps they have more
'making of's or post mortems out there.
(here is Making of Agent 327, their 2017 short they are hoping to turn into
a feature film next)
So that took them 10 years to get up to trying to make a movie from all
those short films.

There were definitely many UX improvements after and during these projects
to Blender.
I just read they have some sort of 'cloud' subscriptions which they say is
their biggest income now.
But I guess they hope the movie will sell,
and let them move up to a planned 10 developers working on Blender for the

This is the Gimp animation project patreon page has interesting posts about
their gimp work:
And on their blog(starting 2012). It shows they are a major contributor for
Gimp of recent.

And yeah, they helped with a whole bunch of UX improvements and pushed Gimp
through to a release (after 6 years of big internal changes).
Despite the tiny amount of funding, they made a massive impact to Gimp.
Little things like 'recovery on crash', and 'do not wait until all fonts
are read before app can be used' are what
you need when you are using it in production. You also need to release it.


On Wed, Aug 22, 2018 at 12:56 PM Nicholas H.Tollervey <nt...@ntoll.org>

> Rene,
> The OP is wonderful to read, and so much of it chimes with my experience
> in floss development. Perhaps turn it into a blog post so people can
> point to it and share it?
> I love Thomas's idea of a PyGame "game" - it reminds me of Blender's
> "Big Buck Bunny" film where all the assets, source and so on were made
> available so people could see "how it was done" with Blender.
> Do you remember in the early days of the London Python Code Dojo we
> collaboratively created a text based adventure game? Each month we'd
> choose an aspect of such a game, make it work in groups and then, at the
> end of the show and tell, merge the democratically elected "blessed"
> solution to become the basis of the next month's task. Might that be a
> modus operandi for such a game?
> Just throwing out thoughts...
> N.
> On 22/08/18 11:24, René Dudfield wrote:
> > Weatbag is a funny name, in the best ever way :)
> > Yeah, this sounds like a interesting idea.
> > Where each person can create a different module for a separate part of
> > the game world.
> >
> > I think the reddit group tried a couple of collaborative games too.
> > I'm pretty sure minecraft came about as part of this idea of a
> > collaborative game.
> > At the time there was a python game where people could also write bots
> > that would battle each other.
> >
> > Yeah, could lord.mauve be convinced to do such a game in pyweek?
> > Pretty fun idea IMHO.
> >
> >
> > ---
> >
> > But the direction I was thinking of was more in the line of the Blender
> > short films (open projects).
> > https://www.blender.org/about/projects/
> >
> > This would be a commercial project funded by either a publisher, crowd
> > funding, grants, or some combination of these.
> > The team would be made up from people in the pygame community. A
> > pyweek/ludumdare winner as programmer and designer, a musician
> > (hopefully someone using pygame to make music!), a gfx artist(again
> > someone using pygame), someone working on pygame tools to support the
> > production, and perhaps someone working on project management and
> marketing.
> > In the same way as the Blender open short film projects work, pygame
> > development by the tools programmer would be driven by the games needs,
> > and then these improvements would be available for other people using
> > pygame. Also, the resulting game should hopefully be of higher quality
> > than other productions. And of course it would be an open project
> > (transparent, and the results released as FLOSS).
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > On Tuesday, August 21, 2018, Thomas Kluyver <tak...@gmail.com
> > <mailto:tak...@gmail.com>> wrote:
> >
> >     Thanks René,
> >
> >     I think there's a lot of interesting ideas in your message. One in
> >     particular that caught my attention:
> >
> >     On Tue, 21 Aug 2018 at 17:24, René Dudfield <ren...@gmail.com
> >     <mailto:ren...@gmail.com>> wrote:
> >
> >         It could be pretty Epic to have some sort of 'pygame community
> >         game'.
> >
> >
> >     A few years back, I tried to make a collaboratively developed text
> >     adventure game which I called Weatbag, for 'Written by everyone all
> >     together, the big adventure game'. It didn't really go anywhere, but
> >     I learned that the idea wasn't new - people called such games
> >     Multi-User Dungeons, or MUDs. I still think it could be a really fun
> >     idea, and I'd be interested to see it extended to a game with simple
> >     graphics.
> >
> >     The idea with Weatbag was that the user could move between squares
> >     on a NESW grid, with the information about each square stored in a
> >     separate module. Any square which didn't already exist could be
> >     claimed by submitting a pull request to add something there. I
> >     wonder if it would be possible to do something similar with a
> >     graphical game? Maybe with a collection of sprites and textures to
> >     use so people could compose a simple scene without having to create
> >     new artwork?
> >
> >     Maybe this could be a fun project for a future pyweek or something -
> >     put together enough of a game to be playable, and build a framework
> >     for outside contributors to easily extend the game after the contest.
> >
> >     Thomas
> >

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