
I am teaching an Python object-oriented programming class based on my own 
materials.  I am using Pygame to explain many OOP concepts.  So far its going 
very well.

I have built many small games as examples, but I keep running into a design 
dilemma.  I will often have a class, where I have an instance variable (I know 
it should be called an attribute!), and I want to be able to give it a starting 
value, but I also want to be able to reset it to the same value if the game is 
played more than once.  As a trivial example, here is the start of a Game 
class, that keeps track of the score of the game:

class Game:
    def __init__(self):
        self.score = 0

    def reset(self):
         self.score = 0

My main code instantiates a Game object and the game plays.  If the user wants 
to start the game over, I call the reset method.  There are two different 
problems with this approach:

  1) I am duplicating code.  This gets nasty when I have lots of instance 
variables to reset.
  2) Any time I want to change the "starting" value, I must make the identical 
change in both methods. 

The obvious solution is to have the __init__ method call the reset method:

class Game:
    def __init__(self):

    def reset(self):
          self.score = 0

That does work fine and I like it.  But it breaks a general rule that you 
should declare all instance variables in the __init__ method.  I use PyCharm 
for the development of these games, and the "linter" (over the right side 
scroll bar) always flags this as a warning that a variable like this is not 
defined in my __init__ method.

I'm looking for a general solution that solves this.  The best I've come up 
with so far is to do something like this for each instance variable:

class Game:
    def __init__(self):
         self.score = None  # create the variable here, but only assign it a 
value in the reset method below

    def reset(self):
          self.score = 0  # Supply the actual start value here.

Anyone have any other suggestions for how to do this cleanly?



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