Martin Preishuber wrote:
> Hi there,
> I have 2 problems with using pygtk:
> - This one should be pretty easy ... Can i define the size of entry
> fields
>   somehow ? I mean without messing around with boxes ..

I use code something like this to create, for example, a GtkEntry that
will hold 10 characters:


The formula in set_usize I got by trial and error, using the default
font.  I'm not sure how to do this in a non-font-specific manner.

> - Second I want to insert the output of some program into a GtkText
> field.
>   I've done this this way:
>         pipe = popen(command, "r")
>         line = "full"
>         while (line != ""):
>             line = pipe.readline()
>             if (line != ""):
>                 text.insert_defaults(line)
>                 mainiteration()
>         pipe.close()
>   Now there are a couple of problems: first the windows hangs as long as
> no output

You want select() -- search the Python library reference...

>   comes from the pipe. second some programs overwrite the output of a
> line (e.g
>   those %-counter ... xx% where xx counts up) and this appears really
> messy in
>   the text box ...

Some programs do this with backspaces, others with carriage returns. 
Some use real terminal addressing.  In the first two cases, you've got a
chance.  I don't know how you would handle the terminal addressing case

I haven't tested this, but something like this should work for the
backspace/CR cases.  This is coded for the backspace case...all that is
left is to include
the select() statement where noted...

sep = "\b"
data = ""
while (not eof):

  # select here with appropriate timeout
  # Process any pending events
  # If no input, next loop (continue)

  tmp =
  if (not len(tmp)):
    # end of data -- make sure last "line" is processed
    tmp = sep
    eof = 1

  # data may hold residual data from the previous read
  data = data + tmp
  lines = string.split(data,sep)

  # the last line may not be completed yet -- save it as 
  # residual for the next line.  Note that above, when
  # we reach eof, we mark the last line as completed.
  data = lines[-1]
  lines = lines[:-1]

  for line in lines:
    line = string.strip(line)
    if (len(line)):
      # do something with line

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