Or if they're using a different language, the word widths would be
different for the text in their language. :)

A good rule of thumb is to allow 30% extra width from a normal width font
in English. This is speaking as a Mac programmer who's had to deal with
multi-language support and is not based on any scientific data whatsoever.
It simply seemed to work 99% of the time. :)

On Wed, 30 Jun 1999, Harry Henry Gebel wrote:
>       I am just learning to program X and so far the only experiance I have
> had is using python and pyGTK/pyGnome. I am writing a program that uses
> the GtkCList class and in the GTK tutorial they stress the importance of
> setting the correct widths for the various columns, at first I was just
> going to use the settings that worked best on my computer as it is
> currently set up, but then it occured to me that if I changed my default
> font or if I gave the program to someone else who was using a different
> font than the one I use that the best values for the column width would
> also change.

_Deirdre   *   http://www.linuxcabal.org   *   http://www.deirdre.net
"I have a simple rule in life: If I don't understand something, it must be
bad." & "If you want more than 4 gig of memory, get a *real* CPU."
-- Linus Torvalds, speaking at BALUG (www.balug.org)

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