from gtk import *

print screen_width(), screen_height()

you can use the get_pointer method of GtkWidget to get a (x, y) tuple
of the current pointer position.

On Sat, Jan 22, 2000 at 06:02:05PM +0100, Martin Preishuber wrote:
> Hi there,
> are there any of the bindings for gdk* functions (e.g. 
> gdk_screen_width or gdk_window_get_pointer) ?
> or alternatively, has anyone some idea to realize this problem:
> I have some gnome-applet and want to open a popup window, where
> the window should appear just over the icon in the panel.
> Thanks,
> Martin
> -- 
> Martin Preishuber - Student, ECLiPt Core Member, SysAdmin
> It's OKAY -- I'm an INTELLECTUAL, too.
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