On Fri, Feb 25, 2000 at 01:41:04PM +0200, Moshe Zadka wrote:

> > Unless you really have to it is probably better not to use a modal dialog,
> > as most users prefer non modal dialogs.
> This maybe slightly off-topic, since it's more about UI design then about
> PyGTK specifically, but the alternative I'm considering is to make
> it into a dialog which replaces an entry field. Is that considered all 
> right? I'm squimish, because it might clobber someone's carefully crafted
> text, but I *have* to allow inputting both via the file dialog and the
> entry field.

What do you mean by "replaces an entry field" ? Remove the field
from the GUI and insert the Dialog instead of it ? That doesn't
work: A Dialog is always a "toplevel" window (ie. a window
which has a window border and which is handled by the window

Dipl. Inf. (FH) Aaron "Optimizer" Digulla
"(to) optimize: Make a program faster by
improving the algorithms rather than by       
buying a faster machine."                     
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