Invoking a menu callback causes an Illegal instruction failure, or at least
in the code attached to this mail. Am I doing something wrong ?

from gnome.ui import *
from gtk import *

mdi = GnomeMDI ('test', 'test')

mdi.connect ('destroy', mainquit)

mdi.set_menubar_template ([
    UIINFO_SUBTREE ("File", []),
    UIINFO_SUBTREE ("Documents", [])

mdi.set_child_menu_path ("File")
mdi.set_child_list_path ("Documents/")

child = GnomeMDIGenericChild ('child')

def create_view (* arg):
    return GtkLabel ("Hi !")
def callback (*arg):
    print arg
child.set_view_creator (create_view)
child.set_menu_template ([UIINFO_SUBTREE ("Test",
                                          [UIINFO_ITEM ("gronf", None, callback)])])

mdi.add_child (child)
mdi.add_view  (child)

mainloop ()

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