At 21:53 06.05.00 -0700, Hamida wrote:
>Greetings Hans,
>    I found an elogious comment regarding your port of PyGtk to Win32
>(compiled with VC++). I, howver, was unable to use your  gtk.pyd 

There is now such file. The file you probably mean is _gtk.pyd .

>(my python is complaining about some .dll ) Are you aware about such a
>problem ?
Not really. Which dll is missing?

PyGtk is not self contained. It does obviously require the Gtk+ binaries.
You may eihter use the dlls from my web site:

or give them provided with gimp a try (I have only tested the previous

>Could you suggest a turn around (or may be a latest version)
The "official" site is:

Latest version:

and there are currently no plans for an immediate update, because
the CVS version of Gtk+ (Win32) is slightly broken ...

Have Fun,

-------- Hans "at" Breuer "dot" Org -----------
Tell me what you need, and I'll tell you how to 
get along without it.                -- Dilbert
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