Ok, a bit late but nonetheless: pygtk 0.6.6 and 0.7.0 don't work on AIX
anymore. There are several reasons for this:

1. The names of the files are wrong. pygtk creates lib<module>.so.0 which
python cannot find. The name must either be <module>.so or <module>module.so.

2. AIX cannot link several shared libraries at the same time. Example:
the glade and the gtk module use libgtk.so. On AIX, this means that
*two independent* libgtk.so are loaded when a python script imports both
modules -> core dump. There are two solutions: Always link -static on AIX
or make sure that only _gtkmodules.so is linked against libgtk.so.

3. When I run PYTHONPATH=. python examples/ide/browser.py, then
it core dumps in "import ExtensionClass". In the debugger xldb, I get
"Unexpected error: getTextBlock failed (address 0x.... in pid ...).
errno=5: There is an input or output"

If anyone could help me to debug this, I could probably provide a patch.
My setup: AIX 4.3.2, Compiler ibmcxx

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