Quoting Martin Franklin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> I have attempted to write a (Pmw ish) widget like so...
> class MyEntry:
>     def __init__(self, text='', command=None):
>         self.showit(text=text, command=command)
>     def showit(self, text, command):
>         box = GtkHBox(spacing=10)
>         box.set_border_width(10)
>         label = GtkLabel(text)
>         box.pack_start(label)
>         label.show()
>         self.entry = GtkEntry()
>         self.entry.set_text("")
>         box.pack_start(self.entry)
>         self.entry.show()
>         self.entry.connect("activate", command)
>         return box
>     def get_text():
>         return self.entry.get_text()
> Ok so it doesn't work... (won't pack)

Don't forget box.show(). And instead of "def get_text()", you can use
this code: self.get_text = self.entry.get_text. The power of Python.

> My question is has anyone got any good examples of tha above sort of
> stuff 
> the pygtk-0.6.5/examples don't really deal with subclassing and creating
> `mega` widgets etc

How about deriving from GtkH/VBox so you can pack the new megawidget just
like any other widget ?

Another solution I used was to have a megawidget which was made up of
several parts which I could attach to a table (for alignment). To
achieve this, I derived from the table class and then I could
attach() these megawidgets via my new GtkTable.

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