> On Tue, 22 Aug 2000 11:23:47 +0200, Javi Roman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Profit not to understand the operation of the progress bar.
> > Somebody to indicate to me as it would be the code to
> > implement the following thing: Simply I want that when
> > pressing "button2" the progress bar is increased in a 10% for example.
> >
> > ------- BEGIN-CODE
> >
> > def create_progress_bar():
> >       win = GtkDialog()
> >       win.set_position (WIN_POS_CENTER)
> >       win.set_policy(FALSE, FALSE, TRUE)
> >       win.set_title("Progress Bar")
> >
> >       vbox = GtkVBox(spacing=5)
> >       vbox.set_border_width(10)
> >       win.vbox.pack_start(vbox)
> >
> >       label = GtkLabel("Undating ...")
> >       label.set_alignment(0, 0.5)
> >       vbox.pack_start(label, expand=FALSE)
> >
> >       pbar = GtkProgressBar()
> >       pbar.set_usize(225, 20)
> >       vbox.pack_start(pbar)
> You need a "static" variable holding the update value so that
> the bar keeps exapanding.  Ugly hack:
>         update_val = 0.10
>         pbar.set_data ("update_val", update_val)
>         def updateBar(_button2, pbar=pbar):
>                 update_val = pbar.get_data ("update_val")
>                 pbar.update(update_val)
>                 update_val = update_val + 0.10
>                 pbar.set_data ("update_val", update_val)
> >
> >       def updateBar(_button2, pbar=pbar): # bad code
> >               pbar.update(0.15)           # bad code
> >
> >       button = GtkButton("close")
> >       button2 = GtkButton("Update")
> >       button.connect("clicked", win.destroy)
> >       button2.connect("clicked", updateBar)
> >       win.action_area.pack_start(button)
> >       win.action_area.pack_start(button2)
> >       button.set_flags(CAN_DEFAULT)
> >       button.grab_default()
> >       win.show_all()
> >
> > --------END-CODE
> >

I continue having the same problem. Variable "update_val" does not
maintain its value. This seems strange.

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