On Mon, 30 Oct 2000, Tessa Lau wrote:

> > Use "pix2, mask = img2.get_pixmap()" here instead of
> > make_pixmap().  Make_pixmap returns a new GtkPixmap widget rather than a
> > GdkPixmap/GdkBitmap pair.
> That's closer... but that gives me this error:
> TypeError: gtk_pixmap_set, argument 3: expected GdkWindow, None found

This looks like a bug in pygtk.  You should be able to fix it by editing
generate/gtkmisc.defs, and finding the following section:
(define-func gtk_pixmap_set
  ((GtkPixmap pixmap)
   (GdkPixmap val)
   (GdkBitmap mask)))

and change it to:
(define-func gtk_pixmap_set
  ((GtkPixmap pixmap)
   (GdkPixmap val)
   (GdkBitmap mask (null-ok))))


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