On 3 Nov 2000, Hassan Aurag wrote:

>  Hi,
>  I'm writing a tool for internal use. Anyway, I build up a GtkCTree
> containing info and where to find that info in the file (the char
> positions) on a text file that I display in a GtkText. 
>  The goal is to be able to click on a tree node and "jump" to its place
> in the text file. Grabbing the info and connecting to the selection
> event goes normal, but there are some problems
>  I know GtkText is going to die, but for it's the only one I can use.
> Anyway, I'll shoot my quickies:
> 1- For some unknown reason, insert_defaults(text) would change the
> format of my text. Do you know why and how to prevent this? As far as I
> guess, it has to do with empty spaces. And btw, there are no tabs in my
> text file. I read the file using python and it prints ok (the read text)
> on anything from terminal to emacs ... but not in the damn widget.

The other option would be to use the insert_text() method inherited from
the GtkEditable interface.  It might work better for you.

> 2-When I use set_position (or the other one, can't remember) to jump, it
> jumps ok for the top parts of the file but fails miserably later. I
> think it may have to do with point 1. The crazy part is that it still
> reports the correct position and when I print that part of the string on
> Python nothing is wrong, but all is in the widget. Any help?

I don't know about this one.

> 3-What is a GdkColor? How can I get red, white, black ... and turn it
> into a GdkColor?

A GdkColor represents a colour :).  You can create colours with a
GdkColormap (such as the one returned by widget.get_colormap()).  You just
call its alloc() method:
  colour = cmap.alloc("red")
  colour = cmap.alloc(0xffff, 0, 0)


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