Is there a PyGTK analog to 
void gtk_signal_handler_unblock_by_func( GtkObject     *object,
                                         GtkSignalFunc  func,
                                         gpointer       data );

If not, why not?  That function is so handy, I could *really* use
Anybody want to code up a patch?

Incidentally, how many patches are accumulating for pygtk 0.6.8?
Will there be another release? Bugfixes? *Most* distros
still come with 1.5.2 and gtk 1.2.x, so pygtk 0.6.X is still
not only viable, but practically necessary.

Jon Nelson                \|/ ____ \|/   Gort,
[EMAIL PROTECTED]    "@'/ ,. \`@"   Klaatu
C and Python Programmer   /_| \__/ |_\   barada
Motorcycle Enthusiast        \__U_/      nikto.
pygtk mailing list   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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