On Mon, 8 Oct 2001, Skip Montanaro wrote:

>     Tom> Can someone port this do pygtk2? Is enough functions wrapped yet to
>     Tom> do this?
>     >> from gtk import *
>     >>
>     >> def _on_expose(drawingarea, event):
>     >> # get the GdkWindow
>     >> window = event.window
>     >>
>     >> # get the GC
>     >> gc = window.new_gc()
>     >>
>     >> # create a green color
>     >> color = drawingarea.get_colormap().alloc(0x0000, 0xFFFF, 0x0000)
>     >>
>     >> # use this color for drawing
>     >> gc.foreground = color

Unfortunately, the GdkGC object in 1.99.x doesn't handle this shorthand
for setting attributes like it did in 0.6.x -- this statement just sets an
object attribute.  The set_foreground() method should work instead.


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