I'm sorry, I've mispelled: the method is not mainiterator but
mainiteration; the question is the same: mainiteration vs mainloop

On 12 Oct 2001 10:36:19 +0200, Pier Carteri wrote:
> Hi to all,
> I've created a small class that show a splash screen with an image and a
> progressbar. At the end of my module I've add some lines for test the
> class:
> if __name__=="__main__":
>     sp=Splash_screen("splash_screen.png",1)
>     sp.show()
>     sp.bar_update("carico", 0.1)
>     time.sleep(4)
>     sp.bar_update("carico", 0.4)
>     time.sleep(3)
>     sp.bar_update("carico", 0.9)
>     time.sleep(0.1)
>     gtk.mainloop()
> The window is not shown correctly (basically the bar was never updated
> )and I'm quite sure that the problem is the mainloop call. I've noticed
> that the gtk module has also a mainiterator method that probably is what
> I need: can you please tell me what's the difference between mainloop
> and mainiterator ?
> Best Regards
> Pier Carteri
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