Hi everyone,

I have been playing with metaclasses in Python and thought the 
following code was cool...

It is the signal.py demo with a metaclass.  I bet it is pretty easy to 
add the metaclass attribute to the C PyGObject class somewhere in 
gobjectmodule.c... then we could forget about type_register and the
__metaclass__ attribute.

Of course you can also look at the 'dict' from the class statment and
create signals and and properties according to __signals__, 
or something like that,  but I understand those features are already in 
though I don't know if they were implemented using a metaclass or not.


import gobject

class PyGObjectSubClass(type):

     # called before __init__ to actually create an object
     # here we are creating a class (or type) object
     def __new__(t, cname, bases, dict):
        # super is probably overkill here, type.__new__ would be fine
         klass = super(PyGObjectSubClass, t).__new__(t, cname, bases, 
         print 'Created new class, now registering it.'
         return klass

class C(gobject.GObject):

     # we must tell Python to create this class as an 'instance' of
     # PyGObjectSubclass, rather than plain type.  We
     # could also inherit the metaclass attribute from gobject.GObject
     __metaclass__ = PyGObjectSubClass

     def __init__(self):
         self.__gobject_init__() # default constructor using our new 

     def do_my_signal(self, arg):
        print "C: class closure for `my_signal' called with argument", 

# gobject.type_register(C)
gobject.signal_new("my-signal", C, gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_FIRST,
                   gobject.TYPE_NONE, (gobject.TYPE_INT, ))

class D(C):
     def do_my_signal(self, arg):
        print "D: class closure for `my_signal' called.  Chaining up to 
        C.do_my_signal(self, arg)

# gobject.type_register(D)

def my_signal_handler(object, arg, *extra):
     print "handler for `my_signal' called with argument", arg, \
          "and extra args", extra

inst = C()
inst2 = D()

inst.connect("my_signal", my_signal_handler, 1, 2, 3)
inst.emit("my_signal", 42)
inst2.emit("my_signal", 42)
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