Colin Fox wrote:

>Hey everyone.
>How many people are responsible for keeping gnome-python and pygtk up to
>date? Is it just James, or are there others?
>I *really* need the window_to_canvas and canvas_to_window functions to
>be put into the library, as I'm using them in an app that I want to
>release, including a tutorial.
>I sent a patch a couple days ago. I hope it gets merged.
Could you please put patches like this in Bugzilla?  That is the most 
useful place, as it gives a clear list of what has to be done.  It also 
provides a convenient way to add comments to the bug, and you get 
notification when anything changes (such as when the patch gets checked in).

There will probably only be one more 1.4.x release of gnome-python (with 
corresponding 0.6.x release of pygtk) before the 2.0 release of each 
goes out.  We have a number of changes on the branch since the 0.6.9 
release, so we should make a new release at some point.


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