Evan Hughes wrote:

>  I'm writing a keyboard grabbing applet to help sufferers of
>RSI/chronic-pain/carpal-tunnel. The idea is that the applet limits use of
>the keyboard/mouse to a certain period of time before forcing the user to
>take a break. 
>  I'd like to be able to detect when the user stops typing (if the user
>stops typing for more than X seconds, I'd like to stop the clock). Is
>there anyway I can receive an event every time the user hits a key or
>moves the mouse?
>  (I've tried the solution mentioned in FAQ entry 3.2, but to no avail, it
>only detects keystrokes when the window has X focus)
I believe the XTest extension would be what you want to monitor 
keystrokes for all apps.

If all you want is an application to help with RSI, you might want to 
take a look at the XWrits (yes, that is the correct spelling) program.


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