Jonathan Blandford wrote:

>James Henstridge <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>>I added a quick modification to the GtkListStore wrapper so the
>>following is now possible:
>>     >>> import gtk
>>     >>> store = gtk.ListStore(int, int, str, str)
>nice.  Can I do 'object' too?
Yes.  'object' gets interpreted as 'arbitrary python object'.

>>I plan to add some more features:
>>    * support for this to GtkTreeStore (so you could do
>>      treestore[0,3][0] = 42)
This bit is working now :)

>>    * support for row deletion
>>    * support for assignments (eg. store[0] = (1,2,'foo','bar'))
>>    * an __iter__ slot for GtkListStore (which would return a sequence
>>      ofthese row objects).
>>    * maybe add __iter__ for tree stores too (iterates over the toplevel
>>      nodes, and iter(row) would iterate over the child nodes).
>so it would be:
>for row in tree:
>        for row2 in row:
>                ...
>I kinda would have expected that to iterate over values.  This may be
>more convenient, though.
Either that, or do:
  for row2 in row.iterchildren(): ...

This would be similar to dictionaries where there is more than one thing 
that you may want to iterate over:

    * iter(d) iterates over keys
    * d.iterkeys() iterates over keys
    * d.itervalues() iterates over values
    * d.iteritems() iterates over (key, value) pairs

So having an iterchildren() method for row objects would fit this 
pattern pretty well.


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